The Fun-Schooling Story: The Branches of The Thinking Tree Spread Out!

Math Craft is our program for Dyscalculia. Children play math games and work on the abacus to help build math skills. Adults who had a habit of finger counting have found it to be helpful too! There are now five Math Craft journals with more to come.

Brain Games were created after hearing from countless Moms who went through Dyslexia Games series C themselves. We found it was helping with brain fog, attention, anxiety, mental clarity, and tapping into creativity. Brain Games are like Dyslexia Games and have been created with teens/adults in mind. 

Teach Yourself to Draw was created after Dyslexia Games. It is three-part series of guided drawing lessons and science research handbooks. They allow children to learn to draw different animals and insects while also learning about the creatures they are drawing. 

His Story the Musical is our most unique branch of The Thinking Tree. It is a musical written by my daughter, Anna. His Story is based on the life of Jesus and is written in a style along the lines of Hamilton. It began a Broadway workshop in early 2022. Keep your eyes peeled for more about His Story in the future!

Our materials are adaptable. They can be used by all children regardless of reading ability, learning challenges, or special needs. Children combine books, podcasts, documentaries, and any other research materials along with journals to learn about anything in the world! They become beautiful keepsakes of your children’s education while simplifying the process and making it fun for the entire family. 

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