One More Story

I hear the whispers in the late night silence
I hear the giggles in the cool spring air
It’s been an hour since we said good night
It’s been an hour since the kiss and prayer

The day is over
It’s not coming back again.
Tonight’s a night
that has never been.
So let them laugh and stay up late
One more story, one more song, one more page

It wasn’t perfect, it was barely good
They were just doing what they could
They were helping in their childish way
And in a moment they were lost in play

They’ll learn to help
It just takes time
Little ones
have so much on their minds
Watch them laugh and run and play
they’ll need a bath later today.
One more story, one more song, one more page

Never silence, not a quiet moment
Always questions bouncing off the walls
If I had answers I would be a genius
Somehow they think I must know it all

Just a moment and I’ll finish sweeping
Just a moment and I’ll find that shoe
another pancake, turning, burning smoking
Another inch, another question, maybe two

The day is new
Smiling at me again
This is a moment
that has never been
So let them laugh and run and play
One more story, one more song, one more page

Dreams of the Future

Here’s a poem I wrote in my Journal back in 2001, when I was 24, a busy young mom with three little children.  It’s all about the dreams in my heart, and my hopes for the future. So many of those hopes and dreams have far exceeded what I could have ever imagined.

Tomorrow I want to paint my walls with hills and trees, butterflies and clouds, and sing the songs from “The Sound of Music”. Tomorrow I want to ignore the laundry and play outside with my toddlers. I want to be close to creation. I want to feel the wind and the rain and watch the sky.

Tomorrow I want to wake up in my husband’s arms, and listen as he prays for our family.  And I really want to live my life like I was designed to live it.  I want music, purity, sunlight and the laughter of children. I want to know the one who made me, yes, I want to make God smile.

Tomorrow I want to bring fresh milk from the barn, bring fresh flowers to the table, and let my little son feel the joy of gathering a basket of fresh eggs. I want to look out the window and watch the neighbor’s horses run.  I want to share my two-year-old’s amazement as we examine the beans spouting in a jar on the windowsill. I want to build Lego towers, block towers, and couch pillow towers… again and again and again.  I want to watch with wonder as my baby girl falls asleep to Mozart.

Tomorrow I want to drink a cup of loose leaf tea, and share a cup with a friend as we talk about the treasures we found at garage sales. 

I want to fill my house with used books and take time to read them.  I want to learn all about the way my great grandmothers lived, and teach those skills to others. I want to make things I couldn’t buy, and make other things anyway. I want to make my home an expression of creativity, discovery and faith and I want my heart to be an expression of Jesus.

Tomorrow I want to listen to the hearts of my children and be the one who nurtures them from sunrise and sunset and all through the night. I want to giggle with my daughters and read about tractors with my son. I want to smile when people tell me that  I must have my hands full, smile, knowing that my hands are full of blessings.

Tomorrow I want my husband to come home to joy, to peace and to unconditional love.  I want to kiss him and rub his back if he’s achy.  I want him to enjoy a meal seasoned with herbs from our garden.  I want to sit on the porch swing with him and watch the sun set and seasons change. I want to listen as he talks about his computer business and all the new people he meets, then talk about making plans to go to Austria again, or drive down the west coast.

Tomorrow I want to say yes to the things that matter most, and say no to the things that stand in the way of peace.  I want simplicity. I want to live by faith. I want my neighbors to see a candle burning in the window, but never the blue glow of a television set.  I want to be thankful and content with what I have and when I have more than what I need, I want to give.  I want to give even when I must sacrifice.

Tomorrow evening I want to put on my shoes and jacket and go out to the barn.  I want to pass the chicken coop and peek in at the hens as they huddle close, dozing on their roost.  I want to sing quietly as I milk my goat by lantern light, then take a little time just to look up at the stars, and say a few words to the one who made them. 

Tomorrow night I want to fall asleep in a room with wood floors and soft yellow walls as my husband reads the bible to me. I want to dream big dreams, and then make them come true… in my own back yard.

I guess what I really want is for tomorrow to be… a lot like today.

Garden of Heaven – Desert of Earth

He heard our prayers in the desert

The sweet sweet song of the bride

This is the life coming up from the earth

Where once it was parched and dry.

This is the blooming wilderness

A wasteland covered with grace

Watered by tears of mercy

Crying out for His Kingdom today.

And these are the seeds that were planted

before the storm clouds arrived

This is the garden of heaven

This is the path of the Bride

This is the hard heart of Earth

Where the Bride of Christ gathers bouquets

And is the place where the daughters of grace lift up their sweet psalms of praise

He sends out streams in the desert

Preparing the way of the Bride

This is the life coming up from the earth

Where once it was parched and dry.

Inspired by Isaiah 35.

How Often?

How often do we choose logic over faith?

How often do we give into fears of the unknown?

How often do we silence the voice of the hope that is calling us to something so much greater?

How often do we exchange our callings for a false sense of security?

How often do we exchange a blessing for a lie?

How often do we give in to the naysayers and critics, silencing the voice of faith?

How often do we spend what little we have on things that will never least, while tossing eternal things into the trash?

How often do we let opportunity die because it didn’t match the plans we had in mind.

How often do we do what is socially acceptable or popular instead of doing what’s right?

How often do we settle for so much less, because somehow we feel safer when we say no to change?

How often do we play it safe when our callings, passions, and destinies require risk?

How often do we get stuck in a rut because we refuse to push the gas pedal?

How often do we suffer lack because we failed to plant the seeds of spring time?

How often do we count the cost and decide we would rather live a mediocre life.

How often do we go with the flow when it’s just dead fish drifting down stream?

How often do we give in to doubt, when faith stirs in our souls?

How often do we sit when we should be standing up for what we know is true?

How often do we stand still when it’s time to run?

Are your choices are motivated by these?



Laziness / Comfort



Safety / Security


Or these:








It’s your life. You can change it.

You can decide today to stop being a fear driven person.

You can choose to change your perspective.

Start by evaluating whether you have been making life choices based of FEAR.

If so, make a list of things you would do differently if FEAR was irrelevant.

Throw out fear, and start over.

Try this:

“I said no to ___________ because I was afraid of _________________ .”

Now really, what could happen if you choose faith instead of fear? What if the opposite happened and none of your fears evolved?

Try this:

“I will say yes to ______________ because this is the way to_________________.”

It’s the people who say NO to fear and then step out in faith who live life to the fullest.

Understanding Sarah: Welcoming our Seventh Child – “On the Day that I Give Birth let Your Glory Come to Earth”

Anna holds her baby sister for the first time

Recently, I discovered a treasure trove of great content for the blog in a journal I filled when Anna was 7-8 and Laura was on the way, and Susie was still a baby. I wrote up six interesting pages where I was trying to express who I am and what motivates me. This kind of journaling can be very therapeutic for us as moms. I thought it might bless others to be able to share in my thoughts from these early years…the growing list of posts can be found here.

Here I am

Waiting for the warmth of spring

Colors soft yellow and green

bright skies and warm dark earth.

Plant me-I’ll take root

Water me-I’ll bear fruit

Shine on me-I’ll shine for you

Speak to me-I’ll sing to you.

I want to be your delight

I want to be like a baby in your arms

I want to see you smile at my song

I just long to draw closer to you.

I feel a baby move inside of me

I wonder who this little one will be

On the day that I give birth

May your glory come to earth

As the beauty of your power is displayed

In the face of a child you have made.

When the flowers of spring appear

I will wait to whisper in your ear

And praise you for the greatness of your plan

I will praise and worship you and pray

For your glory to fill our house that day.

Laura’s Peaceful Home Birth

Laura’s home birth was so precious. She was actually born at a moment when no one was paying attention except Anna who was in the birth pool with me. Here are some sweet photos and video from the hour Laura was born and a few pictures from her first week of life.

Laura and her bird

Tea for Two…or Twelve?

This past week, we hosted a Medicinal Tea Workshop at Olive Branch Farm. Our next event will be in February…follow me on Facebook for that announcement.

Creating tea blends is a new favorite hobby of mine. I love learning about and creating these beautiful and empowering blends.

“Mommy, I think you are actually a doctor. A tea doctor. Cause whenever anyone is sick with anything you know what tea to make to fix them. Whatever is wrong- sore throat, coughing, puking, headaches! You really are the Tea Doctor!” said Leah, age 7, while she was helping me mix up a remedy in the kitchen for a friend who needed another batch of healing balm for a skin condition.

What happens when you model healing behavior? This. These four little sweeties organized their own tea party without any help from mom. They made the tea and hot chocolate. They got all dressed up. They set the table. They planned a game. They lit candles.

About a year ago, I mentioned to my kids that I was going to incorporate poetry tea time. I came home from work to my 10 year old having set this up. She was even dressed up. ❤ We each read a poem and then grabbed a handful of our magnetic poetry words and made silly little poems out of what we had. So fun! Tell us about your poetry tea time in the comments!

One of our many books featuring poetry!

Sarah’s 2023 Mom-Schooling Basket!

Today I took an hour
To rearrange my things
To think about my goals
And to reignite my dreams
I went from shelf to shelf
To gaze upon each book
As if to stop and ask myself
To take a deeper look
To think of who I want to be
The skills I hope to learn
To set imagination free
To love, to grow to yearn.
I found my favorite basket
Full of other people’s things
I dumped it out, and asked it
To be the keeper of new dreams.
I start fresh from empty
And held it with one hand
Without hesitation we
Set off to make new plans.
I found my favorite books again
And promised to begin
To treat them as my dear friends,
And then I found some pens
I found my father’s Bible
Filled with his notes and lines
I’ll take his thoughts once more to heart and try to make them mine.
I have a little journal, for each and every child
I fill the pages with my prayers
Through times of tears and smiles
I have some colored pencils
Some photos and memories
I’ll add a story book of course
For my little girls to read.
My basket is almost ready
My heart and mind feel full
Now I just need a cup of tea
And a journal for my soul
Today I took an hour
To rearrange my things
I’m ready now to grow and learn
And to reignite my dreams

Who They Were Meant To Be

My girls were busy painting yesterday. Rachel, 19, did the one with the yellow background. Susie, 16, did the one with the green background. This is Susie’s first oil painting.

I’m in awe of their giftings, but it’s not just raw talent. The girls have devoted thousands of hours to growing in their artistic skills. Both decided to major in the fine arts while homeschooling. The process of finding who they were meant to be includes all of this.

I don’t know who you were made to be

But I will trust in the One who gave you to me

Because every child is a promise and a mystery

And every little smile shows us what is meant to be

As you play and dream and just have fun

I stand in wonder of the life that has begun

As you laugh and sing, jump and run

I stand in wonder of who you will become

Little hints of genius and artful poetry

You awaken promises and dance with mystery

I watch, I wait, I wonder, as I give you liberty

Just be you, as you become, who you were made to be.

Freedom, and patience, and grace always rising

Can I capture this moment, as I’m realizing

That you’re only mine for a matter of time

As your story unfolds and your light now shines

I’ll hold you close, I’ll hold your hand, and I’ll set you free

To be, everything that you were made to be

Because every child is a promise and a mystery

And every little smile shows us what is meant to be

For my children – By: Sarah Janisse Brown

Living the Dream

I have been pondering the idea of living one’s dreams and realize that I have been so content everywhere, through everything because my dream is him. And every minute of every day, shared anywhere, through anything is fine with me, because he is with me, loving me, and being mine, and sharing it all, making life, thriving, surviving, struggling, hurting, traveling, serving, staying home or going to Rome–it really doesn’t matter. My dream is fulfilled every morning, waking up together anywhere, because we have this day, by God’s grace, together.

There is no better dream that the one I’m living. After almost 25 years of marriage, I’ve known him for 32 sweet years of my 46, and I can say our love is everything that God created love on this earth to be. The sweetest parable of the love of Jesus Christ with His Bride. Like Ephesians 5 says that marriage should be.

Morning mist and autumn skies

Summer passing in your eyes

I light a fire, and start the coffee brewing

I am up, and you sleep in,

I’ve kissed you twice

And will again

When the coffee’s hot and mine is sweet

With honey, sugar, caramel, chocolate or maple

It doesn’t matter to me, any kind of sweet will do, and I’d even take my coffee black

If I could quickly crawl

back in bed with you.

The children sleep, just eight are here,

The other seven are world travelers now,

Somehow that happened

as our life together graced this globe,

and we are here just staying warm and true

‘Cause every dream I ever had was found

In another morning coffee cup with you.

It means we have another day,

and it tells me of last night,

When you were snuggled by my heart

And I turned out the lights

And you were first to fall asleep

Asking me to bring another blanket

Where did it go,

when we kicked it off last spring?

I kept you warm, I always do,

it’s mutual, it’s loving you,

and living every day like it’s a dream

It isn’t what I thought or what it seems

But every morning coffee that we share

Reminds me that we made it through

the darkest nights, the blood, the hope, the tears,

the baby cries, the sleepless years,

the morning flights, the silly fights,

the love, the loss, the pain.

The seasons change.

We have seen the winter pass from island sand

and I’ve run barefoot through the snow holding your hand,

and it didn’t really matter, come what may,

’cause every morning coffee shared with you

is testimony to another dream come true.

‘Cause every morning coffee that we share

is the story of another night with you.

Read Josh and Sarah’s story here.

The Lost Lamb

Sometimes the lost lamb

doesn’t know she is lost.

Sometimes the broken one

is too numb to feel her own pain.

Sometimes the captive one

feels at home in her prison.

Sometimes the slave believes

that in her chains she is free.

How can this be?

The lost lamb fears not the wolf.

The lost lamb dreads not the night.

The lost lamb wanders into the lion’s den

She feels no fear, she has no care.

She only feels hunger and cold

The farther she goes from the fold.

She feels the Shepherd was holding her back

From lusher pastures and sweet weedy snacks

Now free from the flock, she joins the pack,

With wolves all around her,

will she ever come back?

The winter is cold, and the icy rains fall

She feels so alone and has nothing at all

So far from home, and too fearful to call

Silent she hides among lions and wolves

The poison, the pain, the darkness of night

The threat of starvation, the fear of the fight

Without her shepherd, and the warmth of the flock

Hungry, and desperate and frightfully lost.

And each night she longs for the Shepherd

To be found, to be loved to be safe.

Yet in the day, starved and afraid, she still seeks her own way, pretending to be brave

Sometimes the lost lamb

knows she is lost.

Sometimes the numb one

feels pain again.

Sometimes the captive one

flees from her prison.

Sometimes the slave can see

In her chains she can never be free.

Does the Shepherd still see?

Only He can make her safe, and loved and free.

Only the Good Shepherd can give her what she needs.

-Sarah Janisse Brown