
I’m Sarah. I am a creator. If I’m not creating I feel like I’m not fulfilling my purpose. I’m a mother. If I’m not enriching the lives of my children I feel like I’m not embracing my calling. I’m a detective. I’m constantly in search of answers, and life is a mystery waiting to be solved. As a creative mother on a quest for answers I have found great delight making beautiful books that inspire my children to learn. These books delight tens of thousands of children around the globe, inspiring a quest for learning. Find all our books for sale at FunSchooling.com.

Investigate lots of beautiful archived journal posts, photos, videos, and more about Sarah’s family here.

What Fun-Schooling Moms Say

It doesn’t feel like schoolwork and keeps the kids interested and engaged! E. Wollner

It gives my “type A” learning style just enough structure while being unstructured enough for my daughter to actually enjoy learning! It’s the perfect balance for us!!! L. Hessler

We can customize our learning to each child’s learning style, interests, and abilities! Also it’s a way for our artistic family to have time for our artwork and incorporate that into every subject!! D. Ravenwood

Let’s learn together.