Mom of 15 is Ready to Talk About Teenagers! “I’ve had 12! People were wrong about what to expect!”

I’m a Mom of 15, and most of my kids are teenagers now.

I have three littles ones. The rest are 13 and up. It’s a lot of fun! I can’t tell you how much I love having a house full of teens!

My kids are smart, funny, resourceful, kind, and responsible. They have great personalities and are using their talents to do cool things in the world.

They love each other, their parents, and God.

When my kids were little, people used to say “Just wait until they’re all teenagers!” Like it was going to be this horrible thing. I feel like we did something right. I think it’s been investing in them, loving them, and planting good seeds. We’re an example of what we want them to become.

Our kids are amazing and they bring so much joy. Our life is full and busy. Every day is a party. They are so much fun and bring me so much joy!

I am so proud of who my children have become.

For a while, I didn’t want to speak up about raising kids because I didn’t know how mine were going to turn out. I was hesitant to share my parenting strategies. So many stories out there about people who were showing off their parenting skills with elementary-aged kids who went nuts as teens!

I was worried my kids would rebel as teens and make a fool of me. Why? Cause that’s what everyone was saying! I was believing I could plant good seeds, pull the weeds and give my children a life like a well tended garden… and I believed they would thrive as teens and beyond.

So many people said it doesn’t matter how you raise your kids in the end, once the world and pop culture suck them in… my kids are kinda dominating pop culture 😂😂😂😂 and being smart, wise and kind!!!

Don’t miss my daily episode of “30 Seconds at Sarah’s House.” What to expect when you are a mom of 15 and all but three kids have hit the teen years!

Most of my kids are about a year apart, some closer! What’s it like now that most of them are teenagers? A bunch of my kids were adopted from Ukraine when they were 6 to 16! We tried our best to read a lot of books, took a couple parenting classes and now we are finding out what it’s like to parent teens and young adults!

I have a lot to say and share. Follow me on YouTube to see my family in action. I hope it inspires you in your parenting journey.

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