From Anna: “Start Your 10,000-hour Journey”

From Anna’s Instagram:

When I was seven my mom said I could major in the arts. Why wait for college? My mom believes in the 10,000 hour rule. If you want to become “World Class” truly legendary and super skilled at anything you need to immerse in your passion for 10,000 hours.

All the Brown kids pick a passion, calling, career or even a hobby to “major” in at a really young age. Then each kid gets a stack of books, access to tutorials, internships, volunteer opportunities, shadowing or personal trainers, online classes, tools, supplies, whatever.

At around age thirteen our parents invest a serious $1000 – $5000 into our first venture. For Naomi is was a horse and eventually a farm. For Alex it was a professional flight simulator. For Joe is was all things Jazz piano and music production. For Esther it was high quality equipment and a move to Kauai with the whole family. Her dream was to be a photographer in Hawaii.

You may think this is over-the-top when it comes to investing in teen entrepreneurs. My parents actually do this so they can save money on college. They would rather pay $3000 to launch a teen’s career than spend $80,000 or more to help them get a degree. The other option college debt! The goal is for each child in the family to be financially independent before they are 20, with no debt.

So, what does this have to do with my $10 sale? Besides wanting to be a playwright I wanted to create curriculum for teens who are following the Fun-Schooling path and majoring in their passions now!

So spend the $10 and start your 10,000-hour journey! Go here to see all of the books (discount good for at least 7 more days!): or use this QR code: