Preparing for Thanksgiving (and a GREAT free tip on resizing journals!)

Thanksgiving all together in 2020

With November right around the corner, thoughts for many of us turn toward Thanksgiving. Want to encourage a thankful heart year-round? Here is the perfect journal!

This is a Coloring Book, Doodle Book, Journal and Prayer Book for busy women and girls. Use one page per day, for 10 to 20 minutes. Add your own inspiring quotes, prayers and verses.

There is a verse on the back cover from the Old Testament about being thankful. This verse the only scripture reference. Everything else is “do-it-yourself” and you can choose your own words of inspiration each day to write down.

Be thankful every day! This is a wonderful little book to help you develop a thankful heart. Life is better when you remember everything you have to give thanks for! Be thankful every day of the year!

Read some lovely reviews (and enjoy a flip-through) here!

This is one of our handy, purse-sized journals. Want a tip to show you how to make any of our PDFs into this cozy little size? Read on for a tip from Amanda Osenga.

Simply put, it’s a setting in Adobe when you print- it’s under Page Sizing & Handling. Then you fold the pages in half and it makes it like a booklet. Amanda has found about 40 pages at a time is a good size for her homeschool.

Here is a link to the full instructions from Adobe if you’d like them: