How to Dedicate Your Children to God

This is the story of my call to dedicate each of my children to the quest of the kingdom of heaven.

A couple weeks ago I woke up before the sun with a gentle voice whispering to my spirit “Give me Leah, as Hannah gave Samuel to me to be a prophet…”

So I grabbed my journal and started writing down the calling that was revealed to my heart for each of my children. I’m a mom of 15 kids. After having ten beautiful babies, my husband and I were called to adopt five more. So we did.

It was really something special to wake up to the sound of the Spirit within me speaking to me a calling over every one of my children.

This experience happened the day after visiting the Asbury Revival and after watching the movie Jesus Revolution.

I believe that God is on the move in a powerful way, and He is raising up a generation of royalty. I believe we are going to see a revival like never before spread across oceans and nations, and it will bring life, healing, deliverance, reconciliation, empowering, and a longing for truth and purity to millions and billions of souls. This revival will break out all over the world and bring people of every language, tribe, nation, race, religion, culture and creed into the revelation of the truth, hope and way of the Messiah. Light is shining!

If you have it on your heart to dedicate your children to the fulfillment of their heavenly callings this might be an inspiration to you…

In the end I’ll walk with you through a prayer to dedicate your children to God, too, based on 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:17

My dedications are inspired by the Prayers of Paul the Apostles in his letters to the churches, they are also inspired by the Psalms of David, and the visions of Daniel, John the Apostle and Ezekiel. I especially treasure the dedication of Samuel, by Hannah, and the prayers and declarations of Mary and Zacharias in the New Testament concerning their promised children.

1 Samuel 1:22-28, 2:1-11

Luke Chapter 1:46-55, 1:67-80